You Deserve a Life And a Business That You LOVE!
Your Loved Ones Deserve The Best Version of YOU...

Be your true self, be your own hero
-Patrick van Diemen-
We Help You Regain Control of Your Life

For people to start mastering all areas of their life and living their best freedom lifestyle, the first step is for them to actually be in control of their own life.
When a person is slaving away for 60 hours a week working for a company they don’t really want to be working for, they don’t have control over what they do with their time, where they focus their energy, or who they spend time with, because other people are dictating what they have to do with their time on this planet.
PATRICKVANDIEMEN.COM empowers people to take back control of their life. I believe that every person has a huge potential to do the things they love to do and are passionate about.
To build a lifestyle with maximum freedom and fulfillment we master our MINDSET, optimize our HEALTH, and leverage the digital economy to create financial WEALTH.
About Patrick van Diemen

I am the founder of I left my “comfortable” position as a factory manager to become an online entrepreneur because I wanted to be there for my family when they needed me, and still generate enough income to finance the lifestyle that we are used to.
When I’m not spending time with my loved ones or working on my business you can find me doing fun sports with my friends or reading books on personal development and other inspirational topics. This helps me grow as a person and as an online entrepreneur...